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Better Air Quality

Top Misconceptions About Indoor Air Quality

When we talk about indoor air quality, what do we mean when we talk about it? Indoor air quality is a measurement that we use to measure how healthy the air in your home is. As with most things in life, there are many misconceptions about indoor air quality. It is imperative that you have good indoor air quality in your home for your health and that of your family’s. Below, we go over the top misconceptions about indoor air quality and why these aren’t true.

Indoor Air Is Better Than Outdoor Air

This is not true. Sometimes, the indoor air is more polluted than the outdoor air. Dust mites, detergents, electronics, and more can all cause poor indoor air quality. Not to mention that outdoor pollutants can enter your home and become trapped. This leads to even more pollutants, and higher health risks.

The HVAC System Will Ensure Clean Air

You might think that your heating and cooling system will work to keep your indoor air quality great. But, this cannot be further from the truth. If your unit is not well-performing, and is not maintained, the indoor air quality could suffer. If you do not change your HVAC air filters, or have faulty ductwork, this too could cause a problem for your system.

Air Quality Will Have No Effect On Your Health

Poor indoor air quality worsen your asthma symptoms and allergy symptoms. It can also cause trouble breathing, itching eyes, fatigue, congested sinuses, and more. And this is only the surface of health issues. For some, indoor air pollutants can also lead to cancer and heart problems.

Improving My Indoor Air Quality Will Take A Lot Of Money

No, improving your air will not need a significant investment. You can improve your system by getting regular maintenance. Be sure to change your air filter and work on reducing indoor air pollutants in your home.

Air Fresheners and Cleaners Do Not Affect Indoor Air Quality

We all like the smell of a great air freshener. But, these air fresheners are full of toxic chemicals. These chemicals can increase indoor air pollution. Chemical filled cleaners can also cause indoor air pollution.

How To Have Good Indoor Air

There are many things you can do to improve indoor air quality. These include:

  • Cleaners. Using all natural cleaning alternatives like vinegar can help to improve air quality. 
  • Most industrial cleaners contain harmful chemicals. If you must use these cleaners, make sure you have proper ventilation or PPE.
  • Air filters. Quality air filters help to improve the air in your home. You should change them at least once a month, especially during allergy season.
  • Routine maintenance. Your heating and cooling system should get yearly maintenance by an HVAC professional. The technician will check the system out to ensure that it is in good functioning order. They can also inspect your ductwork. This helps to ensure that it has no holes or breaks, which can compromise air quality.
  • Air fresheners. Be sure to avoid air fresheners at all costs. Try using all natural fragrances like essential oils to freshen the air instead.
  • Trash. You should remove the trash from the home as soon as possible. Smells from the trash can permeate the home, decreasing the air quality.
  • Shoes. Make sure to remove shoes before coming into the house. Shoes can carry pollen, dirt, and other debris, which can decrease the quality of the air in your home.

Call Us Today

At Service Express, our team of HVAC professionals can help with all air quality issues. We want to ensure that the air quality of your home is in excellent condition. Please give us a call today.